Sunday 25 March 2012

The value of influence.

Your most value customer isn’t the one that spends the most money. It’s the customer that influences the most people.

So in theory the Pareto principle (80/20) is out. As the 80 percent may have influenced the 20 percent (to become customers) and you may potentially lose the 20% by treating the 80% poorly. Perhaps focusing on the 20 percent is a good rule of thumb for sustainability but not for growth? any thoughts would be appreciated in the comment section.

So marketers should focus on people who influence the strongest. This should not be confused with focusing on people with a large amount of subscribers/followers, as these people may not have a strong influence.
Basically a re-tweet by an individual with a small amount of twitter followers can be more influential than a re-tweet by an individual with lots of followers.

The small amount of followers may be influenced more strongly to re-tweet and share than the faceless big profile.  Plus the person with a small amount of followers is probably more likely to share their influence.

Of course this is all hypothetical and I’m not saying that a small twitter profile is more valuable than Justin Biebers or Lady Gaga’s profile….but  to the right people it can be more influential.
The important thing is creating content that people want to share and sharing it with those individuals (small or large) whom are strong influencers.  It's finding those strong influencers and finding them first…. that’s the hard part.

To summaries don't focus on B2C but C2C .

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